As people age, certain conditions may nudge them toward needing an assisted living facility or nursing home in order to survive and thrive. But other care options may be better suited to their needs.
Relocating to another place and being separated from loved ones may be too detrimental for some elderly people. With a decreasing number of available nursing homes and beds throughout Arkansas, other home-based alternatives for the sake of convenience, as well as comfort, may be better options. Fortunately, there happens to be another choice for elder care in Arkansas and it’s called ElderChoices.
What Does the ElderChoices Program Cover?
As the Arkansas government continues to recognize the increased needs for long term elderly care options, ElderChoices has expanded to become more inclusive toward an aging population through the power of choice. ElderChoices provides waivers to state residents for obtaining on-site services that are comparable to assisted living facilities.
This way, instead of going to another place to get care, the care comes to that person. The ElderChoices program is intended give the power of choice to the person seeking care, ensuring that needs are met on the individual’s terms. Funded by Medicaid, this program is structured so that assistive services normally outside the sphere of Medicaid coverage are available for participants. These services include:
- Adult Companions
- Adult Day Care (up to 40 hours per week)
- Adult Day Health Care
- Adult Family Homes (no more than 3 participants per residence)
- Chore Assistance
- Homemakers
- Home Meals
- Electronic Emergency Response (also known as Personal Emergency Response System, or PERS)
- Respite Care
For a person that would benefit greatly from familiar surroundings and personalized elder care, ElderChoices may be the way to go. The next step is to make sure that the individual is eligible for this form of elder care in Arkansas.
Eligibility for the ElderChoices Program
ElderChoices is a subsidized program that offers a plentiful variety of services for elder care in Arkansas. Therefore, there are a set of specific criteria and requirements for program eligibility. The first step to being approved for the ElderChoices program is pick up an application (available at a local DHS office), fill it out, and turn it in. However, successful applicants should be able to meet the following qualifications:
- Meet Minimum Age Requirements. Successful applicants should be at least 65 years old to be eligible for ElderChoices.
- Meet Medical Need Criteria. Successful applicants should also have a medical condition or need that could benefit from a service offered through ElderChoices.
- Meet Financial Need Criteria. Applicants with restricted income and limited access to resources are preferred. Income should not exceed the current LTC (long term care) limit of SSI (Supplement Security Income).
- Meet Specified Level of Care. Applicants must require an intermediate level of care to qualify. Care levels are measured through an assessment tool called ArPath. Final determination and approval is submitted for application approval through DHS.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the ElderChoices program, please contact Integrity, Inc. for more information or if you need assistance in applying for elder care. As a waiver care provider, we can help meet the needs of your elderly loved one once they are approved for ElderChoices.