The back to school season is an exciting one, but can create anxiety and challenges for a child with disabilities. These tips from Integrity Inc. can help you and your child navigate the new year and get things off to a great start.
As a special needs parent, you need to do everything that the parents of typically developing kids do to prepare for back to school — and a few extras as well. Each of the items below will support your special needs child as he or she heads back to school.
Review your Individualized Education Program
Chances are, you had an IEP meeting at the end of the previous school year and may have one scheduled for the start of the school year. A thorough review of your IEP allows you to verify what accommodations should be made for your child and allows you to ensure he or she is fully supported.
Back to School Shopping
Your shopping list is a little different from the one provided by school. Your child may need adaptive devices or assists, from specialty utensils or straws for lunch to pencil holders that promote the right grip. Your school could supply these items but shopping early ensures you have everything needed from the first day.
Confirm Your Schedule
Your private therapy and intellectual disability treatment in Little Rock likely continued through the summer; in many cases, the return to the school year also marks potential changes in your therapy schedule needs as well. Make sure your child’s therapy team has the details about any schedule changes that begin in the new school year so that you can be accommodated.
Refresh Support Items
From a weighted vest to fidget supplies and bands, take stock of your sensory support items if your child relies on them for focus at school. Be ready to send along some beloved favorites and introduce some new items as well.
Social Stories
It is a new year with a new teacher and new classmates; taking the time to talk about the changes and work through what to expect can help your child prepare and reduce anxiety. Your intellectual disability treatment in Little Rock team can help you prepare your child for success.
Meet the Teacher
Take advantage of any “meet the teacher” opportunities offered before school begins. Your child will have a better sense of what to expect when the big day arrives if he or she can get a preview first.
Review Safety Issues
If your child is an elopement or wandering risk or has other behaviors that could be risky, your new teacher and team should be notified, even if these details are in your IEP. A reminder that your child mouths items, will leave the room without warning, or could climb on furniture will help your team prepare.
Get Extra Support
A therapy team offering disability services for children in Little Rock can help you both prepare for the start of the new year at school. From reviewing key social skills to working out the best way to navigate new sensory experiences, your team at Integrity Inc. can help your child have a great new year at school.
Get the help and support you need to thrive year round from Integrity Inc.; contact us to learn about disability services for children in Little Rock by calling (501)-406-0442 today.